Hello & Welcome to Mitchell Ranch!
We are a family operation located in Eastern
Oklahoma on the edge of the Ouachita Mountains. We raise
foundation bred Quarter Horses and have a commercial cow & calf
operation. Most of our cows are Angus and Tarentaise cross.
We also keep a small group of purebred Tarentaise cattle.
Leon is a veterinarian and owns a large animal
practice between Poteau and Wister, OK. Elise works on the ranch,
chauffeurs their children, and is active in the church teaching Sunday
School and AWANA. Claire and Todd help out on the ranch as school
and activities allow.
and his father began breeding foundation bred registered Quarter Horses
in the early 70's. Hancock and Driftwood Bloodlines were initially
concentrated on and Oklahoma Star and Bert were added in the '90s.
Recently we have started infusing Two Eyed Jack blood.
Our goal is to produce quality horses that are
suitable for use on the ranch or in the arena. We select for
horses that are structurally sound and have good minds. Our horses
should be able to handle any task a cowboy has and still be gentle
enough for the kids to ride when the work is done.
Elise & Leon Mitchell D.V.M.